Black Friday Scams

10 Black Friday and Cyber Monday Scams to Watch Out For

As Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales continue to flood our inboxes, shoppers and businesses alike gear up for the annual frenzy of unbeatable bargains. But amidst the rush for slashed prices and one-time deals, a more sinister season is also at its peak: the season of cyber scams. During these peak shopping periods, the risk of encountering a scam is significantly amplified. Shoppers, in a rush to snag limited-time offers, may let their guard down, making it the perfect time for scammers to strike. They use the promise of massive savings as bait to reel in individuals and businesses alike, often causing irreparable damage to personal finances and corporate reputations. As you prepare to take advantage of the year’s best deals, let’s unveil the top ten scams to be on the lookout for, ensuring your Black Friday and Cyber Monday experiences are both profitable and protected.

1. Fake Package Tracking or Delivery Alerts
Stay alert for package tracking scams common during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which include fake delivery notifications with links leading to malicious sites or malware. Always remember to verify package status directly on the courier’s official website.

2. Phishing Emails
Phishing emails are a constant threat all year round, especially during Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Keep an eye out for emails that imitate trusted brands, complete with offers or warnings, leading to fraudulent sites designed to steal your information. It’s important to exercise caution with unexpected emails and verify any offers by visiting the retailer’s official site independently. cloudIT’s cybersecurity services can help businesses shield their email communications from such phishing attempts.

3. Fake Websites
Beware the allure of fake websites during Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. Scammers create these convincing copies of legitimate storefronts offering incredible discounts to trick you into giving away your payment details. Always remain cautious of deals that seem too good to be true, often found on websites with slight URL misspellings or lacking secure connections. Before making a purchase, verify the site’s authenticity through secure protocols and genuine customer feedback.

4. Empty Gift Cards
During Black Friday and Cyber Monday, watch out for scams involving empty or stolen gift cards. Scammers sell these cards at attractive prices, but they often turn out to be worthless. Only purchase gift cards only from reputable retailers or authorized sellers.

5. Fake Charities
Beware of counterfeit charity scams that emerge around Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Scammers set up fake charities to exploit the holiday spirit, diverting donations to their pockets. Before donating, always remember to verify the charity’s authenticity and consider using established donation platforms.

6. Urgent Billing Requests
In the flurry of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, urgent billing update scams are a favorite for cyber criminals. These scams often begin with a message claiming there’s an issue with your account that needs immediate attention. Typically, this ploy unfolds when a scammer sends out authentic-looking messages urging you to update your billing details. They direct you to a fake website where any entered information goes straight to them. Your sensitive data can then be misused for fraudulent transactions or sold. To dodge these scams, never respond to unsolicited requests for your personal information. Always double-check by contacting the company through verified means.

7. Impostor Social Media Accounts
Scammers often create fake social media profiles during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which mimic legitimate brands to promote phony deals or contests. Again, verification is the key and verifying the authenticity of social media accounts before engaging with their offers is critical.

8. Manipulated Product Reviews
Be wary of manipulated product reviews. Some sellers use “review exchange” clubs to falsely boost product ratings. Scrutinize reviews for authenticity and look for consistency across various platforms before making a purchase.

9. Unverified Sellers
Be cautious of unauthorized resellers on online marketplaces during Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. These sellers may offer attractive deals, but their products could lack authenticity or valid warranties. Always check seller ratings and verification status before purchasing.

10. Suspicious Instant Messages with Alleged Great Deals
Scammers increasingly use instant messaging to send enticing yet fraudulent Black Friday deals. Remain cautious of messages promising exclusive deals, especially if they contain links or attachments. Verify any offers through official channels and remind customers to do the same.

As the excitement of Black Friday and Cyber Monday builds, so does the ingenuity of cyber scammers. From the lure of fake websites and phishing emails to the deceptions of package tracking and social media scams, the digital landscape is fraught with risks. However, with vigilance and informed caution, both shoppers and businesses can navigate these treacherous waters safely. Remember to scrutinize deals, verify seller authenticity, and be skeptical of unsolicited offers and communications. For businesses, it’s crucial to maintain robust cybersecurity measures and educate customers on these potential threats. By staying aware and prepared, we can all ensure that the joy of finding great deals isn’t marred by the pitfalls of cyber scams. If you’re looking to bolster your business’s cybersecurity defenses and ensure a safe shopping experience for your customers, cloudIT is here to help. Contact us today, and let’s work together to make this shopping season secure and successful.

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